The Best Free Language Learning Apps

Learning a new language with these free apps is particularly helpful because you'll always have them at your fingertips. So a few minutes waiting for an appointment gives you time to complete a lesson.
Whether you're learning a language to be able to order a meal on your next vacation, communicate with a friend in his native language, or simply want to add a skill set to your resume, these free language learning apps are a great way to reach your goal.

Screenshot of the Duolingo app on iOSIt’s really easy to get started learning a new language with Duolingo. Just open the app and then choose what language you’d like to learn to immediately begin the course. You don’t even have to create an account to start, but if you do you cansave and track your progress.
 Duolingo begins by using text, pictures, and audio to help you learn a different language. The idea is to associate the sound of the translation with the visuals of the text and pictures, and then have you manually translate the audio back into your native language to help reinforce the new words. 

Screenshot of the Memrise app in iOS
Memrise is another free language learning app. It’s not as smooth as Duolingo, but it is easy to work with, supports offline courses, and lets you learn a massive number of languages. You can start off simple or skip all the way through to more advanced lessons.

Something unique about Memrise is how it teaches you new words and phrases. Words are put into sentences with similar sounding words from your native language to help build the connection for remembering them. You'll also sometimes see multiple images that you can scroll through that overlay the foreign text with a recognizable image for added association.

Screenshot of the busuu app in iSO
busuu provides an app that's easy to use and is flexible in how you work with the courses. Just choose a supported language you'd like to learn, login, and then decide where in the course you'd like to start - Beginner, Elementary, Intermediate, Upper Intermediate, or Travel.
The best feature of busuu is that the words and phrases you'll learn are very helpful for beginners who may already be around foreign speakers and need to learn words in context quickly.

Screenshot of an AccellaStudy Essential app in iOSAccellaStudy has a different mobile app depending on the language you'd like to learn. Each app is extremely simple to use, supports offline use, and varies only in the words they give you - all the features are the same.
Different methods of learning are included in these apps, such as flash cards, audio quizzes, spaced repetition, and others. A hands-free mode is perfect if you're driving so you can learn without ever looking at your device.
 These free language learning apps let you build your own study sets so you decide which words you focus on. This is great if you're having trouble learning a handful of words - just put them in the same study set and learn them separately from all the rest of the words.

24/7 Tutor Apps

Screenshot of the 24/7 Tutor language learning app in iOS
The idea for 24/7 Tutor is to have a tutor with you at all times of every day, right from your mobile device.
As you can see, lots of languages are supported. Each language requires a different app, but all of them are free.
No matter which app you're using, there are buttons that each take you to a set of topics, such as clothing, entertainment, color, education, family, food, health, greetings, body, directions, weather, work, and several others. Within each category are tasks like a study list, memory game, quiz, spelling practice, flashcards, and more.


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